We aim to offer efficient, secure and scalable IT infrastructure. All IT rack systems in our datacenters are manufactured by Rittal and can cover all individual requirements. The standard offering is 42 U TE 8000 or TS-IT rack with footpringt 600mm x 1000 mm (width x depth) and lockable vemtilated front and rear door. For bigger enterprises with a lot of different equipment, we can offer up to 52U at one footprint. The footprint size can vary up to 800 mm width and 1200 mm depth. Each rack has redundant power supply from two fully diverse sources and Power Distribution Units (PDUs). Our typpical power density is 11kW per footprint but you can add more power if you need so. We also offer different types of power supply AC 230V, DC 48V or mixed - all from dual sources.

If you have specific needs - please let us know and we will be happy to do our best to serve your request. We accomodate customer's cabinets and telecommunication racks (600 mm x 300 mm).

Each rack temperature is monitored by our temperature monitoring system with number of sensors, located at the top/bottom and front/rear.

About Data center Ltd.

Data Center Ltd. is incorporated under the laws of the Republic of Bulgaria.

EU VAT tax number: BG207240498

Managing Director: Ivan Shishkov





Get In Touch

Address: 8, Racho Dimchev str.

Sofia 1000, Bulgaria

Phone: +359 2 981 3486

Viber: +359 886 151048

Email: sales@data-center.site

Website: www.data-center.site 

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