Service Availability (D) is calculated for the time when any of the parameters are outside the values specified below and that result in affect of normal operation of Purchaser’s equipment. The Service Availability(D) is calculated according to the following equation. Where: D – Availability 30 * 24 – number of hours per month
– total time during the month, when any parameter was outside nominal values and this affected to the Purchaser's equipment normal operation fault. The term “total time” shall mean the sum of minutes in a given month counted for hours.
The Service Availability is calculated on a monthly basis.
If the Service availability drops below the critical values or the parameters are outside specified values (no mater what is the total duration) more than 6 times in the month it will be considered substantial breach of the Contract and the Purchaser will be entitled to receive compensation pursuant to the contract.
Data Center Ltd. is incorporated under the laws of the Republic of Bulgaria.
EU VAT tax number: BG207240498
Managing Director: Ivan Shishkov
Address: 8, Racho Dimchev str.
Sofia 1000, Bulgaria
Phone: +359 2 981 3486
Viber: +359 886 151048